Coaching for Christian Vocation Certificate

A Certificate in Professional Coach Standards applied to Christian Vocation
Are you seeking helpful mindsets and practical methods for applying an other-centered approach to working with individuals and groups in ministry? Are you looking for effective and authentic ways to lead, motivate, and simply relate to others in a time when traditional, top-down modes of leadership are increasingly mistrusted and problematic? The coach approach honors the dignity in others by recognizing and inviting them to draw from their own potential and perspectives. Moreover, it’s a potent tool for meaningful change, because it builds on the passions and reinforces the ownership of the “coachee” and not the coach (or the minister or leader using a coach approach). It’s a thirty-year-old, professional, “secular” discipline that points to the “Imago Dei” in all people. This certificate will guide students to understand and apply coaching according to the best professional standards in the coaching world as outlined by the International Coaching Federation, and it will help make connections between these standards and theology, spirituality, biblical interpretation, and practical ministry.
Every class in the CCVC program incorporates the ethics, standards, and core competencies of the International Coaching Federation, the Gold Standard for professional coaching worldwide.Christian
We will consider the implications and applications of coaching for a wide range of ideas and issues facing a person in Christian ministry, whether they relate to theological reflection, personal spiritual formation, practical leadership concerns, or missional engagement.Inclusive and Global
The Coaches leading the CCVC program come from a network composed of diverse (religiously, culturally, etc.) team members who not only work with faith-based organizations, but also secular non-profits and corporate entities. Moreover, the network is global in nature with specific partnerships in East Africa, South Africa, and the United States.Online
Classes are fully online usually with face-to-face videoconferences and online forums.
It allows for one to be engaged in ministry at one’s location and to quickly relate it to what one is learning. Study and application are thus integrated in the best way for learning.
It is very cost-affordable, $195 per course, and scholarships are available.
Rooted in Christian Scripture
Christ Following
Personal Learning
Curriculum includes courses in:
- CCVC 101 Introduction to the Coach Approach in Christian Vocation
- CCVC 201 Theological Foundations for the Coach Approach
- CCVC 202 Jesus’ Teachings and the Coaching Mindset
- CCVC 301 Coaching and Spirituality
- CCVC 302 The Christian Leader as Coach
- CCVC 303 The Coach Approach to Missional Engagement
Introduction to the Coach Approach in Christian Vocation
This course will provide an overview of what professional coaching is and is not according to the International Coaching Federation, the gold standard of coaching worldwide. Additionally, it will provide theological and spiritual reflections to deepen the connections between the modality of coaching and Christian values like the Imago Dei of all people, the inner guidance of the Holy Spirit, and other-centered Christian service. In the five teaching sessions, students will be introduced to the ethics and the core competencies of the International Coaching Federation, necessary components for someone interested in pursuing a credentialing through the ICF. In the four lab sessions, students will put many of those core competencies to practice, and learn, in real time, how to begin applying coaching to their settings immediately.Contents