June 23 Lunch and Learn: Spirituality and Grief

Fletcher Seminary is hosting a “Lunch and Learn” event on 6/15/23 at 12:00 Noon. The event will be hosted by Dr. Kan’Dace Brock, and the guest will be Dr. Fran Tilton Shelton, author of “The Spirituality of Grief: Ten Practices for Those Who Remain.”

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A picture of a flower in bloom with the sunrise in the background, visually portraying Easter hope

5 Ways Christians Can Live Out Easter Hope In A Hurting World

The week after Easter, it may seem to many who are hurting that Easter hope is hard to come by, and yet the proclamation of Easter is, “He is not here – Hes is risen!” Hope and despair may indeed exist alongside each other in this world, and part of the Church’s call is to proclaim the hope of Christ to a hurting world. Christians can live out Easter hope in a hurting world in several ways: Share the Good News: Christians can share the hope of the Easter story with those who are hurting. This message of hope is that Jesus has overcome death, and through his resurrection, we have the promise of eternal life. Christians too, can proclaim the Good News that God is not beholden to the injustices and oppressive domination systems of earthly empire. This message can bring comfort and peace to those who are struggling. Serve others: Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Christians can live out Easter hope by serving others in practical ways. This can include volunteering at a food bank, serving at a homeless shelter, or reaching out to someone who is lonely. Serving is one of the best ways the Church becomes the living body of Christ bringing hope into the world. Pray: Christians can pray for those who are hurting, asking God to provide comfort, healing, and hope. Prayer can bring a sense of peace and help us to connect with God’s love and compassion. In a culture where the environment is struggling under the weight of human excess, where mass shootings seem to occur weekly, and where systemic injustice and oppression persist, the Easter Church cries out – “Oh Lord, hear our prayer!” Be a peacemaker: In a world that is often divided and filled with conflict, Christians can be peacemakers. This means seeking to understand and empathize with those who have different views and seeking to reconcile differences in a loving and respectful manner. Live with hope: Christians can live out Easter hope by living with hope themselves. This means trusting in God’s goodness, even in the midst of difficult circumstances, and looking forward to the promise of eternal life. By living with hope, Christians can be a light in a dark world, pointing others to the hope that is found in Jesus Christ.

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A picture of Fred Smith with the Houston skyline and sunset in the background

Dr. Fred Smith Named Fletcher Seminary’s Houston Regional Director

Longtime theological educator and public theologian Rev. Dr. Fred D. Smith Jr. is named as Fletcher Seminary’s Houston Regional Director. Under Rev. Dr. Smith’s leadership, Fletcher Seminary will develop innovative partnerships in the Houston metro region, and serve as the local face of Fletcher Seminary to churches and prospective students.

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